If you are new to SLR photography you may be wondering what prime lenses are. You may also wonder, why would I choose one over the typical zoom lens?
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Tag: Gear
Two-Dollar DIY Sling Strap
Sling style camera straps are a good alternative for people who don’t like a camera strap hanging around their neck (they can also help you look slightly less touristy). In this tutorial learn how to make your own on the cheap. Continue reading
Light meters are dead, Long live the light meter!
In the age of digital – light meters have, for the most part, lost popularity with photographers. With digital cameras it is easy enough to just take a photo, review the image immediately, and adjust your exposure as necessary. However, If you want to take the guess work out of getting perfect exposure then an incident light meter may be for you.
Tutorial: Using the Gossen Luna-Pro Analog Light Meter
Note: If you don’t know why you need a light meter check out Light meters are dead, long live the light meter!
The Gossen Luna-Pro is the best light meter I’ve found used for less than $100. Is is an older model analog light meter and as a result takes a little more effort however as you will see it is still quick and easy to take a reading and you can take the money you saved and put it towards some new glass.
Side note: The Gossen Luna-Pro also works with flash which is a nice perk.
Here is a quick tutorial for taking a meter reading with the Gossen Luna-Pro (Other analog meters should be similar).
Step 1: Set the ISO (ASA).
- Turn the inner wheel until the ASA arrow points to the desired ISO.
Step 2: Taking a meter reading:
- Hold the meter near the subject and point the white bulb towards where the camera will be.
- Press the red button on the side to activate the meter
- Turn the outside wheel right/left until the needle lines up with “0”
Step 3: Reading the exposure values:
- Now that the reading is captured. The proper shutter speed and aperture values will line up as illustrated below.In this example a shutter speed of 1/125th @ aperture ƒ2.8 will provide proper exposure.
Note: Any other shutter speed + aperture combinations that line up on the meter will produce the same exposure.